Art I created for a special limited edition of "Blood Grains Speak Through Memories."
Great news! My novella "The Emotionless, in Love" has been accepted by Beneath Ceaseless Skies. The novella is a stand-alone sequel to my novelette "Blood Grains Speak Through Memories," which was a finalist for the Nebula Award and also made the Hugo Award longlist.
The story focuses on Colton, the son of Frere-Jones Roeder from "Blood Grains..." When Colton was young his mother forced him to leave the life he'd always known and travel with a day-fellow caravan. But his mother's actions physically damaged Colton. Now he must fight to both become more human and to survive in a land where tiny microscopic machines dictate what is and is not acceptable behavior.
The novella will be released during BCS's Science-Fantasy Month 4, in February 2018.
Many thanks to Scott H. Andrews for both accepting the novella and giving great editorial feedback and suggestions on it. Also, many thanks to everyone in WriteShop, my writing group, for their equally great feedback. This is one of the most challenging stories I've ever written and I can't wait for people to read it.