Short Fiction
“Interzone is really spoiling me when it publishes Jason Sanford so regularly. As far as I’m concerned, they couldn’t publish too much of this author if they named it Jason Sanford’s Science Fiction Magazine.”
“One Kind of Many, Undefined by Them”
Short story upcoming in Interdimensions: The Gen Con Writers' Symposium Anthology.
“The Archaeologist’s Map of History, Rendered as a Curse”
Short story in A Trove of Legacies, the 2024 Origins Game Fair anthology.
“Little Fathers of Darkness” (A Plague Birds story)
Short story in Robotic Ambitions: Tales of Mechanical Sentience, Apex Books, 2023.
“Life in the Competitive Gaming World of AI-Human Griefing”
Short story in A Roll of the Dice, the 2023 Origins Game Fair anthology.
“Am I The Love?”
Short story in Rogue Artists, the 2022 Origins Game Fair anthology.
To be translated and reprinted in the Chinese magazine Science Fiction World.
“Blood Grains Scream in Memories”
Novella in the Feb. 2022 special science-fantasy issue of Beneath Ceaseless Skies.
“As We Stand and Pray”
Short story in the Read for Pixels charity anthology Giving the Devil His Due.
Named by Ellen Datlow to the long list of recommended stories for Best Horror #14.
“The Dust of Giant Radioactive Lizards”
Short story in Sept./Oct. 2021 issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction.
Ray Nayler interviewed Jason about the story.
"The Wheels on the Torture Bus Go Round and Round"
Short story released in Tales from the Trunk.
“Whistle Posts of Forgotten Railroads”
Short story in the February 2021 issue of Fireside Quarterly.
Short story in the Sept./Oct. 2020 issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction.
Longlisted for the 2020 Hugo Award for Best Short Story.
Reprinted in The Best Horror of the Year Volume Thirteen, edited by Ellen Datlow.
Reprinted in The Longlist Anthology, Volume 7, edited by David Steffen.
Notable story, Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2021.
Reprinted in the March 2021 issue of Apex Magazine.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine XB-1.
Honored with a 2020 Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award.
“Where the World Ends Without Us”
Novelette in March 2020 science-fantasy special issue of Beneath Ceaseless Skies.
“A Summary of Our Neighborhood’s Salvation After the Storm”
Short story in the March/April 2020 issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine XB-1.
Novella in March 2018 science-fantasy special issue of Beneath Ceaseless Skies.
"Nine Lattices of Sargasso"
Novelette in November/December 2017 issue of Asimov's Science Fiction.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine XB-1.
Novelette in August 2016 issue of Asimov's Science Fiction.
Reprinted in The New Voices of Science Fiction.
Named to the Tangent Online 2016 Recommended Reading List.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine XB-1.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction: 34th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
"May Our Voices Sing Like Blood from Open Wounds"
Cover story in issue 50 of Intergalactic Medicine Show.
Named to the Tangent Online 2016 Recommended Reading List.
"Blood Grains Speak Through Memories"
Novelette in the March 2016 special issue of Beneath Ceaseless Skies.
Long-listed for the Hugo Award for Best Novelette.
Reprinted in The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy, 2017 Edition, edited by Rich Horton.
Reprint upcoming in Long List Anthology Volume 3, edited by David Steffen.
Reprinted in The Best of Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Year Eight.
Translated into Chinese and released as a book by Douban Read.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine XB-1.
Named to the Tangent Online 2016 Recommended Reading List.
Winner of the 2016 Rogue Star Award for Best Novelette.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction: 34th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
"Death Flowers of Never-Forgotten Love"
Short story in the March 2016 issue of Apex Magazine.
Named to the Tangent Online 2016 Recommended Reading List.
Short story in the September 2015 issue of Asimov's Science Fiction.
Named one of the best short stories of 2015 by io9.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine XB-1.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction: 33rd Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
Named to the Tangent Online 2015 Recommended Reading List.
"What Is Sand but Earth Purified?"
Short story in the Oct./Nov. 2014 double issue of Asimov's Science Fiction.
Placed 4th in the 29th Annual Asimov's Reader's Award for Best Short Story.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine XB-1.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction: 32nd Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
"We Eat the Hearts that Come for You"
Novelette in the anthology Bless Your Mechanical Heart, edited by Jennifer Brozek.
Novelette in issue 249 (Nov./Dec. 2013) of Interzone.
Runner-up in the 2013 Interzone Readers' Poll.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine XB-1.
Being translated into Chinese and released as a book by Douban Read.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories, 31st Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
"Monday's Monk"
Novelette in Asimov's Science Fiction, March 2013.
Named to the 2013 Locus Recommended Reading List.
Named to the Tangent Online recommended reading list of 2013.
Translated in the Polish SF magazine Nowa Fantastyka and the Czech SF magazine XB-1.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories, 31st Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
Named to the Tangent Online 2013 Recommended Reading List.
Novelette in issue 243 (Nov./Dec. 2012) of Interzone.
Runner-up in the 2012 Interzone Readers' Poll.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine XB-1.
Being translated into Chinese and released as a book by Douban Read.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories, 30th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
"Heaven's Touch"
Novelette in Asimov's Science Fiction, August 2012.
Named to the Locus 2012 Recommended Reading List.
Reprinted in the Polish SF magazine Nowa Fantastyka.
Translated in Czech SF magazine XB-1.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories, 30th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
Named to the Tangent Online 2012 Recommended Reading List.
"The Ever-Dreaming Verdict of Plagues" (A Plague Birds story)
Novelette in issue 236 (Sept./Oct. 2011) of Interzone.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine XB-1.
Ranked 3rd in XB-1's annual contest of the best foreign SF stories of the year.
Finalist for the 2012 Parsec Awards.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories, 29th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
"Her Scientifiction, Far Future, Medieval Fantasy"
Novelette in issue 234 (May/June 2011) of Interzone.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories, 29th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
Short story in Daily Science Fiction, April 1, 2011.
"The Never Never Wizard of Apalachicola"
Cover story in Intergalactic Medicine Show issue 20.
Reprinted in Intergalactic Medicine Show Awards Anthology, Vol. I.
Translated in the French literary journal Le Frisson Esthetique.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories, 28th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
Originally published in issue 231 (Nov./Dec. 2010) ofInterzone.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine XB-1.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories, 28th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
Ranked 5th in XB-1's annual contest of the best foreign SF stories of the year.
"Peacemaker, Peacemaker, Little Bo Peep"
Originally published in issue 231 (Nov./Dec. 2010) ofInterzone.
"Millisent Ka Plays in Realtime"
Originally published in issue 231 (Nov./Dec. 2010) of Interzone.
Translated in the Russian magazine ESLI (IF).
"Plague Birds"
Originally published in issue 228 (May/June 2010) ofInterzone.
Co-winner of the 2010 Interzone Readers' Poll.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine XB-1 and the Chinese SF magazine New Realms of Fantasy and Science Fiction.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories, 28th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
"A Twenty-First Century Fairy Love Story"
Originally published in Tales of the Unanticipated, issue 30, spring 2010.
Originally published in OCHO #28, the print companion to the literary and arts magazine MiPOesias. This special issue was edited by Kirk Curnutt. Fall 2009.
"Into the Depths of Illuminated Seas"
Originally published in Interzone, issue 226 (Jan./Feb. 2010).
Placed third in the 2010 Interzone Readers' Poll.
An earlier version of the story was published in issue 2 of Tales of Moreauvia
Reprinted in StarShipSofa Stories, Volume 2.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine XB-1.
"Here We Are, Falling Through Shadows"
Originally published in issue 225 (Nov./Dec. 2009) of Interzone.
Reprinted in Apex Magazine and translated in the Czech SF magazine Ikarie, the Spanish anthology Cuentos para Algernon: Year III, and the French anthology Ténèbres.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories, 27th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
Self-contained novella originally published in issue 224 (Sept./Oct. 2009) of Interzone.
Finalist for the 2009 Nebula Award for Best Novella.
Winner of the 2009 Interzone Readers' Poll.
Translated into Chinese and released as a book by Douban Read.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine Ikarie, the Chinese magazine Science Fiction World, and the Polish SF magazine Nowa Fantastyka.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories, 27th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
Podcast on StarShipSofa:
"When Thorns Are The Tips Of Trees"
Originally published in Interzone, issue 219, Dec. 2008.
Winner of the 2008 Interzone Readers Poll.
Preliminary nominee for the British Science Fiction Award
Podcast on StarShipSofa, May 2009.
Reprinted in Apex Magazine and translated in the Czech SF magazine Ikarie, the Russian magazine ESLI (IF), and the Chinese SF magazine New Realms of Fantasy and Science Fiction.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories, 26th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
"The Ships Like Clouds, Risen By Their Rain"
Originally published in Interzone, issue 217, Aug. 2008.
Preliminary nominee for the British Science Fiction Award.
Reprinted in Year's Best SF 14, edited by David G. Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer.
Translated into Chinese and released as a book by Douban Read.
Translated in the Czech SF magazine Ikarie, the Russian magazine ESLI (IF), the Hungarian magazine Galaktika, the Polish site Poltergeist, and the Chinese SF magazines New Realms of Fantasy and Science Fiction and New Science Fiction.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories, 26th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
"Where Away You Fall"
Originally published in Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Dec. 2008.
Reprinted in the Czech SF magazine XB-1.
Honorable mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction Stories, 26th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.
"Book Scouts of the Galactic Rim"
Originally published in Menda City Review, Dec. 2007
Originally published in the anthology I Am This Meat, 2007
Podcast on Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine.
Originally published in Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show, Issue 5, July 2007.
Reprinted in the anthology Beyond the Sun.
Book Scouts of the Galactic Rim on Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine
Freelanga on Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine
Maps of the Bible on Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine
Peacemaker, Peacemaker, Little Bo Peep on Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine
Plague Birds on Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine
The Ever-Dreaming Verdict of Plague on Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine
The Ships Like Clouds, Risen by Their Rain on StarShipSofa
Novella Sublimation Angels on StarShipSofa
When Thorns Are the Tips of Trees on StarShipSofa
The Never Never Wizard of Apalachicola on StarShipSofa
Into The Depths of Illuminated Seas on StarShipSofa