Praise for my short story "Duller's Peace"

My short story "Duller's Peace" is now available in the September 2015 issue of Asimov's Science Fiction. So far the story is receiving rave reviews.

  • Bob Blough at Tangent calls my story a "moral indictment of other nations trying to control a people or a country" and adds that "This is a powerful story that is extremely relevant in the world today, yet is clearly true SF as well. Well done, Mr. Sanford, well done." 
  • Sam Tomaino at SFRevu says "Duller's Peace" is "another well-crafted story from Sanford" with a real chilling ending.
  • K. Tempest Bradford calls the story "Highly Recommended" on io9, adding: "An intense distopian world in which a government achieves control through nanotechnology that reaches into everything, including your thoughts. The concept is creepy, mostly because it’s not far fetched. I can see people balking at the ending, I say it’s perfect."
  • Author Suzanne Palmer says

The print edition of Asimov's is available in store while the digital edition can be purchased for the Amazon Kindle and many other ebook formats. But don't wait — if you want to read the story you need to do so before single-issue copies disappear from stores and online in the next week or two.