Congrats to all the @SFWA Nebula Award Nominees. I'm pleased so many of the stories I loved made the ballot.
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) February 20, 2015
Here are the novels, novellas, novelettes and short stories I'm nominating for the Nebula and Hugo Awards.
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) February 1, 2015
2014 Nebula Awards Nominees Announced...
— SF&FWritersOfAm. (@sfwa) February 20, 2015
So glad to see Eugie Foster's final story among the Nebula Award finalists.
— Mike Allen (@mythicdelirium) February 20, 2015
[FosteronFilm] Eugie Foster Nominated for a Nebula Award I am so proud to announce that
— Matthew M. Foster (@MatthewMFoster) February 20, 2015
Thanks for all the Nebula Award nomination well-wishes. Area X is happy, while the Southern Reach is just perplexed.
— Jeff VanderMeer (@jeffvandermeer) February 20, 2015
Congratulations to @ann_leckie, who's batting 1.000 for Best Novel Nebula Award nominations!
— Ellen Brady Wright (@ellenbwright) February 20, 2015
I'm so honored & excited that "The Fisher Queen" is nominated for a Nebula this year!
— Alyssa Wong (@crashwong) February 20, 2015
Can anyone confirm this? I believe that @crashwong is the first Filipino ever nominated for a Nebula Award! Wooohooo!
— Victor R. Ocampo (@VictorOcampo) February 20, 2015
@crashwong @charlesatan confirmed. IT'S TRUE! YAAAAAY!
— Victor R. Ocampo (@VictorOcampo) February 20, 2015
In which I am speechlessly up for a Nebula Award
— Aliette de Bodard (@aliettedb) February 20, 2015
It’s a huge deal to have a translated novel be nominated for a Nebula. I think the last time it happened was Calvino’s INVISIBLE CITIES!
— Ken Liu (@kyliu99) February 20, 2015
The cat's out of the bag. My novelette "The Magician and Laplace's Demon" has been nominated for the Nebula Award. Congrats to all nominees!
— Tom Crosshill (@tomcrosshill) February 20, 2015
Congrats to @UrsulaV picking up a Nebula Award nomination for her @apexmag story "Jackalope Wives"!
— Jason Sizemore (@apexjason) February 20, 2015
Lego Movie gets a Nebula Award nomination, easing the sting of the Oscars snub.
— John Mozena (@johnmoz) February 20, 2015
Not sure why Birdman is up for a Nebula award. Not only is it not Sci-fi/fantasy but it's also a bit too far "up its own arse" for my liking
— Iain Alexander (@netean) February 20, 2015
I'd rather make Chris laugh on the phone than get a nomination for any award that ever there was or ever there will be!
— Rick Bowes (@rickbowes) February 19, 2015
Congrats to Tabula Rasa member Rick Bowes for his Nebula nomination. (And to all the nominees as well!)
— Barbara Krasnoff (@BarbK) February 20, 2015
Trial By Fire is a Nebula finalist (following in the footsteps of the first book in the seriesFire With Fire)...
— Charles Gannon (@cegannon1) February 20, 2015
My story "The Husband Stitch," originally published in @GrantaMag, has been nominated for a Nebula Award!
— Carmen Maria Machado (@carmenmmachado) February 20, 2015
Congratulations to all the Nebula Award nominees! You're all disgustingly good writers.
— Jeremiah Tolbert (@jeremiahtolbert) February 20, 2015