When I was young my parents took me to Star Wars. While waiting in line I snuck away & watched half the film b/f being found. Why I love SF.
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) December 18, 2015
.@SFFFan42 Absolutely. I'm sure my parents were totally panicked. But I was too young to know.
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) December 18, 2015
.@SFFFan42 I was probably the only #StarWars Amber Alert in SF history. :-)
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) December 18, 2015
Before any science fiction fan nitpicks to death my Amber Alert tweet, yes, I'm aware Amber Alerts didn't appear until two decades after Star Wars: A New Hope arrival in theaters. It's a joke!
In theater now. Great seats. Entire family excited. This better not be another Phantom Menace. #StarWarsForceAwakens
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) December 18, 2015
The Stars Wars saga now exists of only episodes 4, 5, 6 AND 7. Forget the prequels. They are banished from my mind.
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) December 19, 2015
Yes, #StarWarsTheForceAwakens is both a clone of Episode 4: A New Hope and a very good film rebooting the series. Loved it.
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) December 19, 2015
The Star Wars films are supposed to be a fun, exciting space opera with little depth but lots of heart. New film hits that perfectly.
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) December 19, 2015
That's not an insult to the Star Wars films. They are a certain type of story and when they hit it right they are a wonder to behold.
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) December 19, 2015
The Star Wars prequels show what happens when you remove the heart and soul from the saga. The prequels are unwatchable.
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) December 19, 2015
For all JJ Abrams faults as a filmmaker, he knows how to keep alive the heart & soul of a story. #StarWarsTheForceAwakens works b/c of that.
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) December 19, 2015
As added bonus, Abrams knows CGI is supposed to complement a film's world creation, not overwhelm it. Lucas forgot that with the prequels.
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) December 19, 2015
I imagine George Lucas doesn't like #StarWarsTheForceAwakens b/c it shows how bad his prequels were. He stopped caring about the story.
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) December 19, 2015
In the end, #StarWarsTheForceAwakens is a very good addition to a familiar & beloved franchise. If you ever loved Star Wars go see this film
— Jason Sanford (@jasonsanford) December 19, 2015