My schedule for Life, the Universe, and ConFusion

I'm a participating author at the ConFusion convention in Detroit from January 21 to 24. ConFusion is an excellent regional convention with a strong literary focus — and how can you not love a con whose theme is Life, the Universe, and ConFusion? This year's Guests of Honor are Alaya Dawn Johnson, Kentaro Toyama, and Gordon Smith. 

Here's my panelist schedule. Look for me and say hello.

Note that the following times are subject to change.

Justice for Ancillary Perspectives
Annalee Flower Horne (M), Jason Sanford, DongWon Song, Jenny Thurman, Natalie Luhrs
Friday January 22, 8 PM
Ann Leckie's now-complete trilogy of the Radch Empire has been critically and commercially praised for its exceptional blend of high concept space adventure and quiet contemplative look at identity and cultural constructs. Why has Leckie's work succeeded to the degree it has? How is she carrying on the work of Joanna Russ, Ursula LeGuin, and the feminist vanguard of the 1970s?

Podcasting Science Fiction and Fantasy
Michael K. Elliott (M), Jonah Sutton-Morse, Jason Sanford, Dave Robison, Jeannie Szarama
Saturday January 23, 11 AM
Talking about the popularity of podcasting in SFF fandom. What are the best podcasts out there?

The Rise of the Novella
Melissa F. Olson, Brian McClellan, Jason Sanford (M), Yanni Kuznia, Carl Engle-Laird
Saturday January 23, 3 PM
The last few years have seen a resurgence of shorter forms of fiction. Novelettes, novellas, and even short novels are doing better than they have in years, through self publishing and traditional publishers like Harper Impulse, Publishing, and Subterranean Press. Is this resurgence a result of a digital evolution or declining attention spans? What does the future hold for fiction under 50,000 words.

Singularity for the Rest of Us
Wesley Chu, Jason Sanford, Tom Doyle (M), Andrea Phillips, Cameron McClure
Sunday January 24, 10 AM
Is post-humanism really as straight, white, and Western as it often seems? How can science fiction talk about post-body identities without diminishing or dismissing embodied identity and experience? This panel will discuss the stories out there that complicate the uploaded experience.

Are Steven Universe And Korra the Future?
Jason Sanford (M), Merrie Haskell, Carl Engle-Laird, Kimchi Zerbe, Navah Wolfe
Sunday January 24, 1 PM
Steven Universe is blazing a number of trails in animated SF&F, from its diverse characters and voice cast, to redefining issues of masculinity, and its emphasis on love, kindness and acceptance. The Legend of Korra has made similar waves with its clear nod to a same-sex relationship in the finale and the outright confirmation of it by the creators. Are Korra and Steven Universe opening a new chapter in what we can do with family-friendly SF&F media?