Artwork for Paprika by Ben Baldwin.
My SF novelette "Paprika," published late last year in the British magazine Interzone, has now been podcast on Escape Pod.
People can either read or listen to the story.
This is my first appearance in Escape Pod. Many thanks to editor Norm Sherman for accepting the story.
The story is set in the far future and involves an artificial construct designed to preserve copies of human lives. Here's my post-script to the story as it appeared in Interzone (who also comissioned the amazing artwork at right by Ben Baldwin).
"Paprika" was inspired by the life of acclaimed anime director Satoshi Kon, who passed away in 2010 at the age of 46. In addition to animating the award-winning film which lent this story its title, Kon also directed several other influential anime films including Millennium Actress and Tokyo Godfathers. His final film, Dreaming Machine, was incomplete at the time of his death. His fellow animators have been attempting to complete the film based on his script and designs, but funding remains an issue and no release date has been announced.