'Her Scientifiction, Far Future, Medieval Fantasy' available as an ebook

Her_sf_coverMy novelette "Her Scientifiction, Far Future, Medieval Fantasy is now available as a 99 cent ebook for both the Kindle and the Nook. Here's the blurb:

Princess Krisja Jerome lives in a futuristic playground universe of stone castles and dragons, where gallant knights fight for honor and glory using lasers and unbreakable synthetic swords. But when invaders destroy Krisja's carefully managed life, she sets out on a quest with a King Arthur duplicate to discover the truth of their world. Along the way she learns it’s not enough to merely experience great deeds – to be a true hero you must risk everything you love and hold dear.

The story was originally published last year in issue 234 of the British SF magazine Interzone, where it received great reviews. Thanks to Paul Drummond for designing the ebook files. I also should have the story in the Apple iBook store shortly.

To purchase the ebook, go to the following links: