Fun with podcasts, audio magazines, and story narration

Good news for people who like podcasts of my stories—I've been all over the audio place lately. Here are the details:

Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine

I'm continually blown away by the greatness which is the Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine. Just when you think they've taken podcasts as far as they can go, along comes another narrative juggernaut, in this case their adaptation of my story "The Ever-Dreaming Verdict of Plague." Originally published in Interzone, this story is a sequel to my "Plague Birds" (which Dunesteef also podcast last year). 

The podcast of "The Ever-Dreaming Verdict of Plague" is flat-out amazing, with stellar production values, tons of special effects, and dead-on voice talents. Many thanks to Big and Rish for running the podcast, to Bryan Lincoln for producing the podcast, and to all of the people who voiced characters. To listen to part one of the story, go here. Part two will be released next week.

Me, narrating a Gemma Files story and rambling on the Skiffy and Fanty Show

If you prefer your podcasts to feature my voice, check out episode 6 of Tales to Terrify, where I narrate Gemma Files' story "Sown from Salt." This is the first story by another author I've ever narrated and, while I had a blast doing it, I'm unlikely to repeat said feat. The reason? Narrating stories is hard work! But do check out the episode, which is hosted by Larry Santoro.

By the way, is it only me or does anyone else think Larry's a natural at hosting horror podcasts? I swear he's the 21st century Vincent Price of horror podcasts!

And if that doesn't satisfy your craving for my intonations, check out the newest edition of the Skiffy and Fanty Show, where I join in discussions on J. K. Rowling’s new adult novel, the abuse of Seanan McGuire by readers, and more. And apologies to hosts Shaun and Jennifer for being half-asleep during the show. I've been working like crazy lately and I was exhausted. I hope I didn't say anything too silly in my dream-like state.

StarShipSofa Jason Sanford episode

Finally, a reminder that the Hugo Award winning audio fiction magazine StarShipSofa recently released a special issue focused on my fiction. The issue features two of my stories, an essay narrated by me, and tons of other fun stuff.

StarShipSofa is one of the top SF podcasts in the world, so go check it out.