Preview of "The Ever-Dreaming Verdict of Plagues"

EverDreamThe next issue of the British magazine Interzone contains my story "The Ever-Dreaming Verdict of Plagues," which is the sequel to "Plague Birds" (available at that link as a PDF download). At right is the opening spread, with amazing art by Hugo Award winning artist Jim Burns. The image shows the main character, Cristina de Ane, releasing the blood AI which lives within her body.

In the story, Crista is six months into her life as a plague bird, meaning she is both judge and executioner to the human-animal genetic hybrids who populate this future Earth. Crista has arrived in a small village to investigate a horrific murder. But she soon discovers that guilt and truth are not easy to discern in a world where humans and AI continually manipulate each other.

If you liked "Plague Birds," I think you'll also enjoy this story (and since "Plague Birds" tied for last year's Interzone Readers' Poll, I'm assuming a number of people liked it). Issue 236 of Interzone mails in a week or two, so if you want to read the story I'd recommend subscribing. I'm also working on additional stories set in this universe. Eventually I plan to release an entire book set around "Plague Birds."