Winners of the 2011 storySouth Million Writers Award

The public vote for the 2011 storySouth Million Writers Award is now complete. We had nearly 1150 votes. Here are the winning stories, along with their percentage of the vote:

  1. "Arvies" by Adam-Troy Castro (Lightspeed Magazine) – 18%
  2. "The Incorrupt Body of Carlo Busso" by Eric Maroney (Eclectica) – 16%
  3. "The Green Book" by Amal El-Mohtar (Apex Magazine) – 15%

The prizes for this year's award are:

  • First place: $600 plus the $100 gift certificate from ThinkGeek
  • Runner-up: $200
  • Honorable mention/third place: $100

Thank you to everyone who votes and nominated stories. Next year's award will kick off in early 2012.