My Year in Fiction (aka the Annual Award Consideration Plugfest)

Every new year starts with authors plugging their stories for "award consideration." Never one to stand in the way of a self-promotion trend, I hope people will consider the following stories for everything from the Hugo and Nebula Awards to the Wall of Infamy Plaque at Galactic Jim's Super Emporium of Glittery Cheese.

First off, please know that the special issue of Interzone focused on my fiction (issue 231, Nov./Dec. 2010) is now in bookstores in the United States. Barnes and Nobles tends to carry them along with certain independent stores. The following stories are in the issue:

  • "Memoria" (short story)
  • "Peacemaker, Peacemaker, Little Bo Peep" (novelette)
  • "Millisent Ka Plays in Realtime" (short story)

Unfortunately, I can't post the stories online since the edition is still in stores. But I urge people to buy the magazine.

My other stories published in 2010 were:

Please note the last story isn't eligible for the Hugo Award because it was originally published in Britain in 2009. However its electronic publication by Interzone was in 2010, so it is eligible for the Nebula. Yeah, award rules are a funny, quirky thing.