StarShipSofa Stories, Volume 2, now on sale

StarShipSofa Stories, Volume 2, is now officially out--as in "out of this world!" The second collection of stories from the Hugo-winning podcast contains fiction by me, Neil Gaiman, Cory Doctorow, Jeff VanderMeer, Nancy Kress, Tobias S. Buckell, Stephen R. Donaldson, China Miéville and many more. My story in the anthology is "Into the Depths of Illuminated Seas."

The anthology comes in several different editions, from a regular trade paperback to a very nice hardback to a special signed limited edition. That means somewhere in the world are 25 copies of this book with my signature alongside those of Gaiman, Doctorow, et al. I can't tell you how exciting that is.

And don't forget that starting next week StarShipSofa will air my novella "Sublimation Angels" as a serial podcast. I'll post more information when it is available.

UPDATE: StarShipSofa is now airing my novella "Sublimation Angels." The first of the three part serial can be download here.