2021 year in review and award eligibility post

I’m late with this 2021 year in review and award eligibility post. Apologies for that but I’ve been dealing with some personal issues.

Fiction Writing

The big news last year is that my first novel Plague Birds was released by Apex Books. The novel is a genre-bending mix of SF and dark fantasy and the epic tale of a young woman betrayed into becoming one of the future’s hated judges and executioners, with a killer AI bonded to her very blood. Plague Birds is weird as hell and neurodivergent at its heart, being ripped from how I see the world.

The novel is eligible for the Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy and other awards.

I also published three short stories in 2021:

Fan Writing

Finally, I’m again eligible for the Hugo Award for Best Fan Writer for my writings and reporting about the SF/F genre. I write a regular column called Genre Grapevine on my Patreon, along with publishing original essays and special reports.

Here are samples of my fan writings from 2021.

Essays, reviews, and special reports

Samples of Genre Grapevine Columns